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Irish Republican at Heart of Obama & Biden’s Presidencies: Samantha Power US UN Ambassador Leaking For The Cause? One of The Many Democrats Interfering in UK Politics Working For United Ireland.

US Didn’t Stop Terrorist Funding of IRA Until After 9/11 2001 Not 1998 Good Friday Agreement

Recently Democrat Presidents Biden and Clinton were briefly in Northern Ireland for the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement which was signed in 1998 getting all the plaudits for stopping terrorism. Except the truth is funding for Irish Republican terrorism from the US didn’t cease upon that agreement. It took until the US suffered 9/11 in 2001 before any form of terrorism support was curtailed completely. These US Democrats are hypocrites as well as Irish Republican supporters who want to destroy the UNITED Kingdom being a Union of Great Britain & Northern Ireland which is what it says on our passports.

Of the many Irish republican camp followers in the Democrat Party I want to turn the spotlight on an Irish native who converted their citizenship to American who has quietly working in the background for Ireland and has been party to the national security secrets of the UK through the Five Eyes agreement between the US, UK, Australia, Canada & NZ which no doubt would be very advantageous to Sinn Fein.

Former US UN Ambassador Samantha Power under President Obama and now head of USAID (US Agency for International Development) for Joe Biden. USAID is not just a charity, it is a major part of the pushing US interest by encouraging regime change through de-stabilisation of countries by supporting oppositions/terrorists. Kind of like what Joe Biden is doing in Northern Ireland with supporting Sinn Fein in Ireland for a United Ireland through encouraging the EU NI Protocol to be part of the UK Brexit Agreement and refusing a trade agreement with the UK.

With Susan Rice, Samantha Power has been at the heart of Democrat presidential national security and a major pusher of ‘humanitarian’ wars in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, Iraq and Syria. She was also at the heart of the Russiagate takedown of President Trump’s national security adviser Lt General Michael Flynn in concert with the CIA, FBI and ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele.

She was recently, in April 27 2023, in a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where she was accused by Senator Rand Paul, of ‘dishonesty’ in refusing to supply USAID documents defining the amounts and purpose of grants given to Chinese researchers on coronavirus research at the Wuhan Virology Lab where Covid-19 leaked from. Why is an aid development agency funding coronavirus research at a Chinese virology lab? Such is the deplorable regime interference of imperial America. The US which castigated the British Empire.

If Ms Power is quite willing to obfuscate and be dishonest to the democratically elected Senators over coronaviruses then she would be certainly to do similar for the Irish republican cause of which she is a supporter. She’s also at the heart of the Russiagate fit up of Donald Trump and his National Security adviser Lt General Michael Flynn who would have gutted the FBI/CIA and their Deep State operatives appointed by President Obama including one Samantha Power.

Samantha Power Biggest Unmasker of Intelligence in US History

Dan Bongino, US commentator in 2018 asks why Samantha Power, Democrat administration, Obama’s US Ambassador to the UN was requesting intelligence reports 260 times in 2016, the US election year, when she wasn’t an intelligence official. In another report it is stated it was almost one per day in 2016.

As we will show below Powers is Irish born and an avowed Irish Republican so the question needs to be asked: Was she using her position to advance the Irish Republican cause and spy on the UK to pass onto SF/IRA? While also undermining the Trump campaign & incoming administration?

Democratic President, Creepy Basement Joe Biden (a Catholic bigot given his St Patrick Day warning to Enda Kenny Irish PM that anyone with Orange on was not welcome at the White House), Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic IRA supporters (Bob Menendez, Richard Neal, Eliot Engel) have constantly threatened the UK govt while the Brexit negotiations were being handled and interfered in the UK’s NI Protocol negotiations with the EU.

On 28 September 2020, Owen Polley’s story in the Newsletter in NI, referred to in Kate Hoey’s tweet above, shows this US cabal of Irish Republicans are constantly interfering in domestic UK politics & terrorism containment working for the SF/IRA in attempt to merge Ulster in the rest of Ireland.

The UK government needs to look after it’s own interests and stop pandering to the terrorist facilitators in the US who only stopped direct funding of IRA guns and explosives after they were hit with 9/11. Note: The NORAID funding now continues openly in the US through Friends of Sinn Fein canvassing donations at events through the US.

Were our organs of state, MI5/MI6 & GCHQ, aiding and abetting these Democrat Irish Republicans to set-up the Russiagate collusion with FBI/CIA with the surveillance & setting up the Trump campaign operative George Papadopoulos in London with his meeting with Australian (spook) High Commissioner Alistair Downer. A shady operative Josef Mifsud told Papadopoulos about the Russian having Hilary Clinton’s emails 2 weeks before the Downer meeting. It was this meeting that started the Crossfire Hurricance FBI/DOJ investigation into Russian collusion. Mifsud primed the info & Downer extracted it then passed it to the US intelligence to ‘create’ the narrative Trump’s people were working with the Russians.

Sir Richard Dearlove – the former head of MI6 – and Prof Christopher Andrew, the official MI5 historian worked in an intelligence group, Hakluyt, which included Downer, were also involved in setting up Lt General Michael Flynn and a Russian born academic at a dinner in 2014 in Cambridge, Svetlana Lokhova. Stefan Halper a paid FBI operative, and associate of the MI6/MI5 knight/prof alleged that that Flynn left the dinner with Lokhova which was a lie. Halper was involved in the George Papadopoulos sting also. Lokhova sued Christopher for his allegations. The main driver of the Russiagate set-up was the fraudulent dossier concocted by Ex-MI6 Russian expert Christopher Steele to link Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016 with Russian influence. That dossier was bought and paid for by Hilary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC (Democratic National Congress), along with her husband Bill, they are also Democratic supporters of Irish republican SF/IRA. So there is no doubt UK intelligence current & ex resources were used in the operation to set-up the Trump campaign.

Were UK intelligence also naively delivering UK NI intelligence through the 5 Eyes (US, UK, Canada, Australia & NZ) intelligence sharing agreement through US politicians back to SF/IRA? Although the US NSA spies on, everyone even allies, and this intelligence also via conduits like Samantha Power when operating as US UN Ambassador and her heavy unmasking of US persons in their dealings with foreigners may also have been leaked to SF/IRA by US Irish Republican sympathisers. US intelligence unmasking, FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) and NSA intelligence collection explained below.

Given deep Democratic Party support for Irish Republicanism which has continued even beyond the terrorism of 9/11 & the UK aiding the War against terror, and Samantha Power’s claim that she didn’t know these unmaskings took place or that she abused any intelligence, with her deep feelings for a united Irish Republican Ireland can we doubt that she would aid their cause given the opportunity?

It has never been followed up by FoI and reported on Samantha Power claims of who she delegated her clearance to. How was the delegation authorised? She must have signed this. What are the protections against this being misused? Is this even possible or is she being fuzzy with the truth? How legal was it and was it done for deniability purposes? The reports that were returned would have been returned to her and she would have to acknowledge personally and any actions taken issued by her. As far as I know intelligence designation clearance is personal for an individual else secretaries & PAs could read & copy top secret reports. Need to know is intelligence 101. Her excuse doesn’t ring true.

Spygate Summary

Normally I write about Scottish football but these days you cannot just write about football without BLM, social engineering, and in Scotland about the SNP dictatorship, their links to Irish Republicanism and media control by the MSM Narrative Engineers (journalists they used to be called).

As an escape I have followed the Spygate episode for 4 years with Donald Trump handicapped with lead in his boots to rule a swamp driven US government bent by their normally cleanskin organs of law & national security, FBI, CIA and DOJ [Dept of Justice]. The US Constitution, even with it’s checks & balances, has been sadly lacking. Although compared to the evasion allowed the SNP government the US is relatively open through legal battering rams – expensive & time sapping. Extensive use made by the FBI/CIA/DOJ of the Top Secret classification designation with the sole purpose of hiding documents from the public and it is only now that documents have been de-classified.

Of interest is that some of the US documents have highlighted the UKs involvement in the origination of Spygate. Bear in mind that there are restrictions on surveillance of US citizens domestically and overseas but there are work arounds.

  1. Through unmasking
  2. Reverse tracking

There are no US restriction on spying on foreigners. The unmasking is to expose US persons talking to those foreigners. So Power may have been unmasking US supporters of NI talking to NI Unionist and UK politicians. What checks are there within both the UK and US to prevent this happening? As we’ve seen with the Trump Russiagate set-up by Clinton, the FBI/CIA and Christopher Steele as well as UK involvement with the sting operation against Trump campaign’s George Papadopoulos in London with the Alexander Downer meeting.

Given that Samantha Power under President Obama was a Democrat Party presidency under which they potentially surveilled their opposition during a campaign (a massive corruption) but also allowed an avowed Irish Republican access to the intelligence on industrial scale surveillance of foreigners. The question is :Was this used against Unionist politicians to further the Irish Republican cause of a United Ireland?

The Democratic party as shown by their support of Irish Republicanism has threatened the UK Brexit negotiations with the EU claiming international law could be breached. This is a US that allowed funding of IRA bombs & guns on British soil which killed UK persons. Was that OK under international law? Was it OK for NORAID to auction sniper rifles with notches each for a UK soldiers life? NOTE: This funding continues through US donations to Friends of Sinn Fein.

Also if, on behalf of the Obama Administration, the UK organs of Deep State [MI5/MI6, GCHQ] were used get around US checks & balances to surveille Donald Trump’s campaign personnel such as George Papadopoulos to create a false predication to the CIA/FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Russian Collusion then that abuse needs to be investigated by the UK Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament.

Obama Operatives Determined to Aid Clinton & Destroy Trump Campaign & Presidency

Samantha Power, Susan Rice & President Obama

Between Donald Trump’s election in early Nov 2016 and his inauguration late January 2017, Samantha Power unmasked seven times Trump’s incoming National Security advisor, Lt General Michael Flynn, as well as all the other Flynn unmaskings by Obama operatives including Susan, National Security Advisor. Power as detailed below has been the largest unmasker of US citizens when she was US Ambassador to the UN.

Also can be seen that Obama’s Director of the CIA, John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, were unmasking Flynn as well.

Lt General Michael Flynn was set-up in the early days of the Trump presidency mainly due to the fact he was going to be the head of the Trump National Security team in the White House, overseeing the CIA/FBI/DNI, all the IC [Intelligence Community]. For the Deep State to hamper Trump they needed to knobble Flynn. Flynn was a highly decorated special forces soldier that wanted to re-architect the whole of US intelligence therefore the Deep State were exposed to budget curtailment, retrenchment of forces – Trump wanted to end the Endless Wars that US were pulled into for ‘humanitarian’ reasons. Samantha Power was a supporter of sacrificing US blood & treasure (soldiers & money) and the 1500 Serbian citizens killed in the 78 day bombing of Belgrade which targeted TV stations, electricity and water. As well as the humanitarian wars in Iraq, Libya & Syria that have driven refugees across the ME & North Africa to Europe. And the Afghanistan debacle which collapsed under Biden & General Milley which left $80 billion of military arms for the Taliban (and Iran & China who will buy to reverse engineer).

The FBI set-up Flynn in a sting to ask, without him having an attorney present, about his call to the Russian ambassador, Kislyak. This practice is normal in transition for incoming govts. Flynn was charged of lying to the FBI because he couldn’t remember word for word the call. The FBI had the transcript & Flynn was reassured it was only a conversation but it was deliberate entrapment. Flynn was former Director of Defense Intelligence Agency for Obama and highly decorated officer who worked with General Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan and Iraq. As well as hampering Trump, Flynn wanted to restructure intelligence agencies FBI & CIA and therefore was a FBI target. Before leaving office Trump pardoned Flynn.

Trump and General Flynn had both come out against funding and sacrificing US lives for ‘humanitarian’ wars. As well as the rest of the Obama presidency there was an operation by Susan Rice (Head of National Security), James Comey (FBI director) and it appears Powers in order to help Hilary Clinton’s campaign then afterwards when Trump was elected to push the Spygate Russia Collusion through the FBI/CIA and media to destroy Trump & Flynn. It did not bring down Trump but meant that his greatest national security ally Flynn was nullified so largely Obama’s acolytes succeeded.

Samantha Power’s Irish Republican Background

As can be seen in the two tweets above, Samantha Power only obtained US citizenship in 1993 after migrating to the US from Ireland in 1979 aged 9. From the New Yorker:

Her father was left behind in Ireland when Power & her mother went to the US leaving him to die of alcoholism:

Her father was an avowed Irish Republican and she herself has acknowledged her Irish Republican roots being connected to saving Michael Collins.

In RTE’s Who Do You Think You Are?, Power discovered her great grandfather, John Duffy, was a double agent while working for the RIC (Royal Irish Constabulary). Duffy contributed to the republican cause by stealing a police cypher code allowing IRA men to escape:

Copied a key to and Inspectors office to find out intelligence on what the police knew of who were IRA members:

Duffy even succeeded in saving Michael Collins life by alerting to an ambush:

Power was in tears due to the witness statement and declared she was very proud of what he achieved:

Source: https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/great-grandfather-obama-un-ambassador-saved-michael-collins

In 2020 in Time.com, in an obituary to Jean Kennedy Smith, sister of JFK, Power said of the Kennedy sister “she also convinced a skeptical Clinton Administration to work with shunned Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams.

All the above demonstrating her alignment to the Irish Republican cause.

Simon Coveney, Irish Foreign Minister is close to Power in her current role at USAID for Joe Biden, this is a funding org to enable funding for groups to influence countries in the US interests. In other words destabilising countries by funding opposition parties & NGOs(Non Govt Orgs – ‘charities’, thinktanks) :

Given the US’s propensity for spying on even allies before negotiations is it beyond belief that with or with Biden’s direction that intelligence gathered by the NSA was given to the Irish and EU and even by Powers to her irish Republican friends?

The US spies on everybody, even their allies. In 2013 Edward Snowden exposed this initiative which was bugging the UN and numerous embassies and President Obama had to apologise. Denmark was helping the NSA tap into transatlantic internet cables which would provide access to France, Germany, Sweden and Norway, even into traffic of Danish ministries.

The NSA pays GCHQ millions of pounds to access cables arriving on UK shores and to secure access to the UK’s intelligence gathering programmes. Source

Could UK intelligence that is passed to the US be purloined by operatives like Ms Power and given to Sinn Fein or worse, the IRA Army Council?

Simon Coveney is currently involved in an Irish govt spat where Katharine Zappone, a former minister and MP in the Irish parliament, was trying to wangle a position with Power’s team at the USAID through Coveney. So there is definite relationship between Power and the Irish govt:

Humanitarian War Mongerers

Powers was a great advocate of ‘humanitarian’ wars of Bill Clinton in Serbia and Kosovo. She even wrote a book about the Bosnian War and Sebrinica massacre. Both Croats and Muslim Bosnians were committing atrocities and ethnic cleansing as much as the Serbs. She doesn’t say much about the 78 day straight bombing by the allies of Belgrade hitting non-military targets including broadcasters and Serb civilian infrastructure like hospitals, telephony, electricity, sewage and water. NATO aircraft flew over 38,000 combat missions. As well as aircraft bombing, the US bombed Belgrade, a European capital, using cruise missiles from ships and submarines in the Adriatic. Power is quiet on those bombings killing 1500 Serb civilians including destroying a bomb shelter.

In the Kosovo ‘War’ 70% of the Serbian electric infrastructure was intentionally destroyed by electrical shortcutting cluster bombs. All in support for the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) who it turns out were the biggest people traffickers in drugs, women for sex, people trafficking & body parts. The purpose of the Kosovo War was to prevent a million refugees flooding Western Europe from Albania/Kosovo. How did the work out now when most channel illegals are Albanians?

Those bombings and use of munitions on civilians were war crimes but the Hague War Crimes Tribunal was only for Serbs.

And guess who has established a large base in Kosovo courtesy of the Kosovans? The Americans at Camp Bondsteel which is even bigger than Ramstein, the US’s airbase in Germany near Frankfurt.

Serbs fought with allies in WWI (although it was a Serbian anarchist that killed Franz Ferdinand & his wife in Sarajevo) and WWII while Croatia was a Nazi state established by Germany in conjunction with the Vatican and participated in the holocaust and ethnic cleansing of 81,000 Serbs in Jasenovac concentration camp. Germany illegally supplied arms to Croatian nationalists illegally during the Bosnian War against UN declarations. And during the Kosovo War too. Thus retaining their wartime relationship:

Croatian Cardinal Stepanic on the right. Pope John Paul II later beatified him.

Amazing the repeated overlap of Roman Catholicism, Fascism and Irish Republicanism. This is currently being played out in US political Irish Republican supporter, EU operatives campaign undermining Northern Ireland’s inclusion in the UK.

If you want an alternative view of the Bosnian War (1992-95) and how it brought jihadis into Europe including Osama Bin Laden read Unholy Terror by John Schindler, US Professor at the US Naval War College. Mr Schindler’s analysis, being fluent in Serbo-Croat with family connections tells a more truthfully story of the Bosnian War & it’s links to Afghanistan then to 9/11.

The US’s wars helped create Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaida, the War on Terror, create a crescent of Shia countries from Iran to Lebanon through Iraq and Syria as well as Libya (facilitating African migration to Europe) and now the collapse of Afghanistan. Now these warmongers want to cause trouble in Northern Ireland. We could do without their interference or ‘help’ especially from Irish Republican supporters and their donations through the Friends of Sinn Fein in the US.

Samantha Power the US Greatest Unmasker But Denies Doing It

As well as being the largest unmasker of Lt General Flynn during the transition between Trump’s election & the inauguration, Samantha Power is the greatest unmasker in US history. From the October 13 2017 interview of Power by the US House of Reps Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence being interviewed by Trey Gowdy firstly. Ambassador Rice was prior UN Amb:

Later with Mr Himes, the figures are redacted but he states Power’s unmaskings were much larger than any previous UN Amb and larger than the National Security Advisor or Director of the CIA who are the main intelligence officials excepting the Director of the FBI :

She then goes on to make excuses rather than clear up the discrepancies:

Wouldn’t you think she would keep track of how many & who she unmasked? And if she wasn’t making the unmasking that she’d find out who was making it in her name which would seem to be an abuse of the classification & intelligence clearance levels? No she’s never voluntarily cleared these problems up and this committee allowed her to escape any in depth scrutiny. Just as Hilary Clinton and her aides who ran an email server in her bathroom with no security which contained classified information.

Rand Paul Declares Samantha Power ‘Dishonest’

Lying is such a pejorative word for politicians to use so Rand Paul used ‘Dishonest’. On April 27 2023 in a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Samantha Power refused to supply the committee with grant information on funding supplied by USAID (US Agency for International Development) to the Wuhan Chinese Virology laboratory for the development of the coronavirus.

Samantha Power is quite willing to lie (Rand Paul calls it dishonest) to cover-up what she and the Biden government are doing and block documents to a Senate Foreign Relations committee then I don’t think we can trust that she did know about the un-maskings of Lt General Michael Flynn and that she would lie for the cause of Irish Republicanism and is not to be trusted with UK intelligence.

With Democratic operatives such as Samantha Power, in conjunction with their deep state national intelligence apparatus, FBI/CIA, willing to collude domestically in the US in the bringing down of a US elected president and his prior campaign, what are they willing to do in the UK to cause conflict in Northern Ireland? These people are not our friends.

Ulster Scots including Francis Hutcheson, educated at Glasgow University, have contributed greatly to America’s foundations, both physically opening up the frontier, in the Revolutionary War and academically to the moral basis of it’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. They were there a 100 years before the Irish Famine. Unfortunately the Ulster Scots integrated where else the more recent Irish have nursed their resentment against the British and interfered repeatedly in NI politics.

The Anti-Imperialist Democrats who hate the UK, they are quite willing to fight endless wars with ‘privileged’ poor white boys blood in the expanse of their empire. Would a member of that group that used intelligence to undermine a presidential candidate who became a sitting president have any compunction in de-stabilising the UK? Regime change is their model, from Iran, Iraq, Syria and the South American countries and in 2014 the Ukraine colour revolution to move Ukraine away from Russia’s orbit thus causing the current proxy war with Ukrainian bodies & billions of US$ in arms. Power has moved onto the USAID which is used to fund international groups to achieve by ‘charity’ the very same regime change by ‘humanitarian’ means. Her great grandfather was a double dealer with the UK so why wouldn’t she also be one.

Democrats Traditional Party of Destablisation of Countries

Obama hates Bibi Netanatyu and the Democrats favour relations with Iran. Although President Biden’s precidency is said to Obama’s 3rd with many of the same operatives still in place who were in Obama’s presidency. Hence Biden paid Iran billions in US$s and demoted US’s alliance with Saudi Arabia.

After Hama’s massacre of Israelis on October 7th, Netanyahu has been under pressure from the US/Biden to shutdown operations in Gaza to kill Hamas operatives. Does this include the UNRWA operatives found to have helped Hamas? It has been predicted in Israel that the US, using USAID funding, with Samantha Power, once Israel/Gaza has ‘settled down’, will destabilise the Netanyahu government by funding opposition parties. Here is Jewish News reporting on US Sec of State Blinken’s visit just after October 7th. Jewish News Syndicate article Oct 16 2023:

USAID will be one of the lead distributors of the US$100 millions in ‘aid’ to the Palestinians in Gaza just announced by Biden. Amid all the shortages in Gaza it’s amazing that there is plenty of resources for building rockets and concreting underground bunkers and tunnels. While the water pipes are dug up by Hamas to make rockets.

Collusion in UK Governments

It’s not only foreigners that destablise Northern Ireland we have our own moles burrowing into the heart of the security and civil services in the UK to damage the Union.

It was known a few years ago that after the Claudy bombings (3 car bombs) on 31 July 1972, which killed 9 people including 3 children were executed under the IRA director of operations of South Derry, a Roman Catholic priest, Fr James Chesney. In December 1972, Scots born Willie Whitelaw, (Secretary of State for NI) after the request of the Cardinal Conway head of the Catholic church in Ireland, agreed to move Chesney to Donegal. So after the disinformation claim of the SF/IRA that there was collusion between loyalists and the UK intelligence services, it has turned out it was a Conservative UK government (including the RUC) which agreed to move the priest with agreement of the IRA and the Irish RC church.

We know the Scottish SNP Irish Republican underminers of the Union, Nicola Sturgeon, Humza Yousaf, James Dornan and the SNP MP/MSPs who support SF/IRA including marches in Glasgow. As well as refusing to talk about IRA bomb parcels delivered to Glasgow University. Many of the SNP MPs and MSPs openly support the IRA.

The next post will detail the backgrounds of so-called ex-intelligence personnel and civil servants who worked at the heart of the Labour government for Tony Blair would appear also to support a United Ireland? And were they, when at the heart of government also acting in collusion? One of whom appeared to be aiding the Hillary Clinton Russiagate information operation [planting disinformation] with the FBI/CIA. The other has been pushing Scottish independence. Others in Labour political ranks are just waiting for Starmer’s Labour govt ascendancy ready to damage when needed. Has the UK establishment, to prevent embarrassment, been covering up for these people until they were moved out of government?

Before bringing this Labour party into power there needs to be due diligence and vetting of their backgrounds.

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